2023- All we could hope and dream for! πŸ°πŸ’•πŸŒˆπŸΎπŸͺžπŸŒΈ

On a quest to not be the predictable enneagram 3 and Virgo that I am, I’ve thought long and hard on my word of the year. A word that will help me have fun goals, let me not take things too serious and not be defined by productivity.


I want to indulge in all the things this year. Self-Care extraordinaire. Rest. Food Connoisseur. Live Music. Backyard Sunset hangs. Learning new things. Quality Time. And whatever this word brings!

It’s the first year I truly feel free. To dream and explore. My daughters cancer journey, then a bone marrow transplant then Covid- I’ve not fully let myself out of this weird protection box. I’ve not let myself feel I deserve and need to feel free. I got a taste of it last year but not the full thing.

What would you do if fear wasn’t holding you back? What would you do if doubt wasn’t holding you back? What would you do if YOU weren’t holding you back? I bet you would start that business or quit that job. Travel to the places you wanted to. Love the person you need and want to love. Maybe this is the year to gently let those guards down. To feel light and free. To trust your intuition. To maybe worry a little less about tomorrow and be hopeful about today. We all need to hope and dream!

Cheers to you and me! Cheers to more play this year. Indulge with me, with all the things you love the most. And let us fully understand how precious our time here is. πŸ’•

Lisa Wolfe