New Year, Same Me?

You’ve heard how the saying goes-New Year, New Me. I have been reflecting on that the past week. We don’t just wake up this new and improved human when the clock strikes midnight! We put the work in to evolve not change. It’s constant. We are constant. Even when that process can feel subconscious.

I thought about who I was last year. It started off as a new mama to my sweet Ida. During the peak of another pandemic wave. No visitors, quiet days with my little family. Healing and getting to know her and my new postpartum self. And let me tell ya, postpartum in itself is a big emotional journey. I’ve always dealt with some anxiety (high functioning) so the hormones and emotions of postpartum have been hard with both girls. And it seems to last the full first year. I also moved out of the house I worked in for 10 years during my maternity leave. Many reasons but I now know it was the right move, even not knowing what was next. I spent that decade growing my business, getting married, getting pregnant, having loss, having Arlie, going through a 4 yr cancer journey with her, hiring my first assistant, then ending it there during a pandemic. It was time! To leave all that energy behind. Start fresh and redefine my space. Reclaim the energy that has defined me in many ways. We can subconsciously hold on to old things just in the environment we are in. I will always hold space though for everything the studios at 700 gave me!

Last year my word was Intentional. Not much thought went into it though lol. And as I reflect on what word actually was most relatable, Surrender keeps coming to mind. With a new born, Arlie starting school in person for the first time-during an ongoing pandemic, my studio not getting built like planned and so much more I had to surrender to it all and just go with it. And that’s exactly what we did and it ended up being a beautiful year.

And here we are-2022. My word is Clarity. With all I have going on I want it for my 2 businesses. For family stuff. For relationships that have been rocky this past year. I have had so many convos in the salon about this too. Many have experienced some hardships in relationships this year between opinions of politics, this pandemic or maybe that’s just life. It’s sad but I hope you have found or find clarity in those relationships.I guess if we are in constant motion our surroundings need to change with it? This word feels right to focus on. As I break ground for my studio this month I also want it for the purpose of this space! I dream about all it will host. The gatherings and community it will bring. I’m ecstatic! And just so thankful for this opportunity.

So as we start this new year off. Stay true to you. Everything about you. Everything you have worked on. Keep becoming and growing and changing the version of yourself to who you need to be for you, in whatever chapter of life you may be in. And always remember, you are allowed to change your mind at anytime.

xoxo, Lisa